Payment & Renewal:
- You may pay for your sponsorship online by debit or credit card, check, or money order.
- YesImpact will notify you when it is time to renew your sponsorship unless you choose a recurring payment option.
- If YesImpact still needs to receive your renewal payment, you will receive a notification email informing you that your account is overdue. A 2-month grace period will be provided, after which the sponsorship will be terminated. The sponsored child will return to an unsponsored status where the child will be posted on YesImpact’s website to receive a new sponsor. You’re welcome to sponsor again anytime, but YesImpact cannot promise that the original child will be available to support.
Assignment of Sponsored Children:
- If you pay online, you may select a child to sponsor through the YesImpact website. If you pay by cash or check, you may request YesImpact to assign a child based on your specifications (gender, village, age, etc.). YesImpact cannot guarantee the availability of a child to sponsor based on your specifications, but we will do our best to match you with an open child. Please note that if you choose to pay by check or money order, it can take 3 to 4 weeks to set up your sponsorship account once we receive your sponsorship application and payment.
- YesImpact reserves the right to change your sponsored child at any time. Due to the unstable nature of social, security, and economic conditions, such as family commitment that may require relocation, children occasionally move with their families outside of YesImpact-supported areas. Families of sponsored children may also attain a level of income where they no longer need aid, at which point YesImpact will assign a new child whose family is facing more dire economic hardship. We’ll let you know of any change by email and work with you to find a new child to sponsor.
Terminating Your Sponsorship:
- We encourage sponsors to support the same child throughout their education for as long as possible. This allows children to continue their education uninterrupted and facilitates a relationship between the sponsor and the sponsored children. A minimum sponsorship commitment of 12 months is required to ensure uninterrupted services to your sponsored child. Sponsorship can only be terminated after this date.
- If at any point you decide to discontinue your sponsorship, at least three months’ advance notice is appreciated. Don’t hesitate to contact YesImpact by email or telephone to provide advance notice.
Communication with Sponsored Children:
- You can send your sponsored child a written message or email. Visit YesImpact’s website, go to the “Connect” menu, select the “Sponsor A Child” submenu, and click on “Write My Child A Message.” YesImpact allows a maximum of 4 communications per year, as our human resources are limited.
- Please allow substantial time for translation and delivery before expecting a reply from your sponsored child. We will deliver your messages as quickly as we can, but it may take up to several days before you receive a response. We appreciate your patience!